
Looking to contact me? Send me an email.

About This Site

Welcome to my personal web server.

This server is being hosted from my home, and it is powered by FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE. The hardware consists of an AMD Phenom quad-core processor, 12GB of RAM, and two 500GB disk drives in a RAID-1 mirror.

If you take careful notice, you will see that the background of this website changes from light to dark along with the sun! The picture in the header above was taken by me while out catfishing at Dale Walbourn Reservoir in Stark County, Ohio.

About Me

I am a computer programmer at Palitto Consulting Services, Inc. in Wadsworth, OH. I live nearby in Copley. I used to teach mathematics part-time for Stark State College in Canton, but I lost interest in that when the classes moved from lecture-based to computer-based.

I studied at the University of Akron, where I earned a B.S. and a M.S. in Applied Mathematics. My Master's Thesis covered calcium dam growth on cave floors. Not my first choice, but it ended up interesting. I finally graduated in the fall of 2010.

In my spare time, I enjoy programming and working on this site, as well as learning new things about software, operating systems, and programming languages. I also enjoy getting dirty. Fishing and hunting have been passions of mine for many years now. I have taken up welding and metal working in the last few years, and have been working on and off on an offroad Ford Ranger, go-karts made out of old lawnmowers, and my antique Allis Chalmers tractor.


These pages are served up by the Apache 2.4 web server. The backend database is MySQL 5.6. The scripting language of choice is PHP 5.4. Most of these pages are hand-written using vim. The Chess game is written in Haskell, a new-found love of mine.


This server hosts a Sendmail SMTP mail transfer agent. Mail is delivered remotely through the secure POP3 protocol by the Dovecot MDA. And no, you cannot relay your spam through me.